
Delicious Keto Chicken Alfredo Recipe: Creamy and Low Carb Comfort Food!

Delicious Keto Chicken Alfredo Recipe: Creamy and Low Carb Comfort Food!


  1. 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  2. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  3. 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  4. 1 teaspoon onion powder
  5. Salt and pepper to taste
  6. 1 cup heavy cream
  7. 1/2⁤ cup⁤ grated Parmesan cheese
  8. 1/4 cup ⁢butter
  9. 1/4 cup ⁢cream⁣ cheese
  10. 1/2 teaspoon​ Italian seasoning
  11. 1/2 teaspoon‌ red pepper flakes (optional)
  12. 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley


  1. Heat olive oil ⁣in ‍a large skillet over medium-high heat. Season chicken breasts with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, ‌and pepper. Cook the chicken ⁢until browned on both sides and cooked through, about 6-8⁣ minutes per side. Remove from skillet ⁢and⁤ set aside.
  2. In the same skillet, ⁤add‌ butter and cream cheese. Cook until melted and⁣ well combined.
  3. Add heavy cream,⁤ Parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning,⁤ and ⁢red pepper ⁢flakes. ⁢Stir until the sauce ‌is smooth and creamy.
  4. Return the cooked chicken to the skillet, coating it in the sauce. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes to heat through.
  5. Serve the chicken Alfredo over zucchini noodles​ or cauliflower rice, ‌garnished with chopped parsley.

This creamy and delicious Keto Chicken Alfredo recipe is sure to become a favorite in your low carb recipe collection.⁢ Enjoy this comforting and satisfying meal without any guilt!

If you’re looking for a comforting and indulgent meal that fits into your low carb lifestyle, this Keto Chicken Alfredo⁣ recipe is the perfect ​choice. With tender​ chicken breasts smothered in a creamy, cheesy sauce, this dish ​will⁣ satisfy your cravings⁢ without derailing your diet. Serve it over zucchini noodles or cauliflower‌ rice for⁢ a complete and delicious meal‍ that you’ll want to make again and ⁣again.

Give⁢ this recipe ​a ‌try and enjoy a taste of ‌decadence while staying on track with your keto goals. You won’t believe how easy it is to make this restaurant-quality‌ dish right⁤ in ⁤your own kitchen. So go ahead, indulge in a bowl of creamy, dreamy⁢ Keto Chicken Alfredo without any guilt!

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