
Delicious and Easy Keto Cauliflower Mac and Cheese Recipe

Delicious and Easy Keto Cauliflower Mac and Cheese Recipe


  1. 1 ⁢head of cauliflower, cut into‍ florets
  2. 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
  3. 1/2 cup heavy cream
  4. 1/4 ⁢cup cream cheese
  5. 1/4⁤ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  6. 1 tsp garlic powder
  7. 1 tsp mustard powder
  8. Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F.
  2. Boil a large pot of ⁣water and add cauliflower florets. Cook for 5-7 minutes, until slightly tender. Drain and set aside.
  3. In a saucepan, heat heavy cream​ and ⁢cream cheese over medium heat until melted and smooth.
  4. Add cheddar‌ cheese, Parmesan‌ cheese, garlic powder, mustard powder, salt, and pepper. Stir until cheese is melted and sauce is smooth.
  5. Place cauliflower in a baking dish and pour cheese sauce over the top, stirring to combine.
  6. Bake for‍ 20-25 minutes, until bubbling and golden brown on⁤ top.
  7. Let cool for a few minutes before serving.

This delicious and easy‌ keto cauliflower mac and cheese recipe⁣ is a low-carb alternative to traditional mac and cheese that is sure to satisfy your cravings. Enjoy!

Give this recipe a try and enjoy a guilt-free and delicious meal! Give this recipe ⁤a try and enjoy a guilt-free and delicious ‌meal! Let us know in the comments how it turned out for you! Enjoy! Let⁤ us know in the comments how ​it turned​ out for you! Enjoy!

Enjoy⁤ this delicious and creamy keto cauliflower mac‍ and cheese as a ⁢satisfying side dish or even a main course. The cauliflower provides a⁤ low-carb alternative to traditional pasta,​ making this dish‍ perfect for anyone following a ‍keto diet. The cheesy sauce is rich and flavorful, adding a comforting touch to every bite. Give this recipe a try and savor the creamy goodness without the guilt!

Enjoy​ this delicious and creamy keto‌ cauliflower mac and cheese as a satisfying side dish or even a main course. The cauliflower provides a low-carb alternative to traditional‌ pasta, ​making this dish perfect for anyone following a‌ keto diet. The ⁤cheesy sauce is rich and ⁤flavorful, adding a comforting touch to every bite. Give this recipe a​ try and ​savor the creamy goodness without the guilt! ​Let ⁣us know in the comments how it turned out for you! Enjoy!

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