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Why apple cider vinegar is good for humans?

a bottle of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar _ - Why apple cider vinegar is good for humans?

What is Apple Cider Vinegar? It is a product with a high content of acetic (ethanoic) acid, in which other acids are also present. The bacteria convert apple cider sugar into alcohol, and then it turns into vinegar. The benefits of apple cider vinegar for the human body have been proven many times.

Which apple cider vinegar to buy?

If you take unpasteurized apple juice, it will naturally turn into vinegar through fermentation. Buy plain, unpasteurized vinegar, which is rich in enzymes that support normal digestion. There are no chemical additives in natural “organic” vinegar. You can opt for products labeled “bio” or “organic.” Options with pectins, bacteria, or nutritional yeast do not bring significant benefits to the human body because the product is acetic (ethanoic) acid.

Another point to consider when buying vinegar is acidity. Ordinary vinegar has an acidity of 3.3 – 3.5 pH. If you buy distilled vinegar, the acidity is higher, about 2.5 pH. Vinegar should not be refrigerated; it should be kept at room temperature. In this case, its shelf life can be about 5 years.

What is the use of apple cider vinegar for the human body?

  1. Apple cider vinegar for digestion. Apple cider vinegar activates enzymes found in the stomach, produced by the pancreas and other organs, and speeds up the digestion process. Enzymes are in a “dormant” state. They need a stimulus that will awaken their activity. The acid in the vinegar is the signal that awakens them to digest proteins and other nutrients.
  2. Control of pathogenic microorganisms. Think pickled cucumbers or other vegetables – the acid in the marinade prevents pathogenic bacteria from spoiling them. Thus, when you eat acidic foods, you help reduce the number of microbes in your body. This is especially useful for a syndrome called SIBO or Gut Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome. In this syndrome, bacteria proliferate excessively in the small intestine. An insufficiently high level of acidity of gastric juice contributes to this disease. Due to apple cider vinegar’s beneficial properties, bacteria cannot grow quickly in the small intestine.
  3. Absorption (absorption) of minerals and vitamins. Calcium, magnesium, and iron require a specific pH for the body to absorb. If the pH is too alkaline, these minerals will not enter the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. The acidity level is essential for the absorption of minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B12.
  4. Reduces bloating. Bloating occurs due to incomplete digestion of food eaten. For example, gas formation is the result of incomplete digestion of proteins. Apple cider vinegar helps to digest any food leftovers in the intestines faster.
  5. Reducing acid reflux. Normally, the acidity of gastric juice is very high – from 1 to 3 pH. To prevent gastric juice reflux into the esophagus, there is a special valve between the stomach and the esophagus, which is almost always closed. When the stomach’s acidity is insufficient, the valve remains open, and the stomach contents are thrown back into the esophagus. Therefore, taking acids, including apple cider vinegar, helps to close the valve and improve the disease’s course.
  6. The effect of apple cider vinegar on the movement of bile. Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. To get bitterness from the gallbladder into the intestines, specific signals are needed that the stomach gives. Signals from the stomach promote the release of pancreatic enzymes into the intestines. Acids such as acetic acid are required to stimulate these signals.
  7. Digestion of proteins. Proteins break down into amino acids during digestion. This process requires enzymes to work, which are activated by acids such as apple cider vinegar.
  8. Improving blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar increases insulin sensitivity, normalizes blood glucose levels, decreases insulin production, and begins to lose excess weight. This indirectly affects cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  9. Apple cider vinegar for immunity. Apple cider vinegar stimulates the movement of white blood cells and makes you more resistant to infection.

To achieve the beneficial effect of apple cider vinegar on the body, it is recommended to consume 1 – 2 tablespoons, diluted with sufficient water (about 500 ml) daily. This drink can be consumed before meals, after meals, at any time of the day. If you don’t like its taste, acetic acid can be taken in tablet form.

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